By - Julio Medina

How to Calculate Your Macros for Weight Loss with Keto

Ketogenic diets are high in fat and very low in carbohydrates. The body enters a metabolic state called “ketosis” which means that there isn’t enough carbohydrate energy for cells to function normally. Instead, they use stored fats as fuel. When glucose levels fall too low, some people experience headaches, fatigue, or mental confusion. However, most healthy individuals adapt fairly quickly and do not suffer from these side effects. In fact, many people report feeling more alert and focused while on the Ketogenic Diet plan.

What Is A Low Carbohydrate Diet?

A low-carb diet has been around since the 1920s’ but gained popularity again after research showed that it could help with blood pressure issues such as hypertension. It was also shown to be effective at helping those who have diabetes control their condition by reducing insulin resistance. Today, low-carb diets remain popular because they work well for losing weight.

How Does The Ketogenic Diet Work?

When someone follows a ketogenic diet, they eat foods that contain mostly fat along with moderate amounts of protein and no carbs. This type of eating pattern forces the liver into an altered metabolic state, where it starts producing ketones instead of using sugar for energy. These ketones enter our bloodstream and supply us with energy. During times of increased physical activity, we need extra energy to perform activities like running, cycling, swimming, etc. Our bodies then turn to burn fat stores for energy rather than glycogen. Burning fat provides much-needed calories without storing them as unwanted pounds.

How to Calculate Keto Macros: A Step-By-Step Guide

1) Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate

This number will tell you how many calories you need in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The BMR calculator will help you figure out your ideal calorie range based on your age, gender, height, and weight. If you are underweight, overweight, or obese, then it’s important that you track your macronutrients as well.

2) Determine How Many Calories Are In Each Meal

Once you have calculated your basal metabolic rate, now comes the fun part! Start by determining how many total calories you should eat each day. For example, if you want to lose one pound per week, then you would consume about 1,200 calories every single day. However, if you want to gain muscle mass, you’ll probably only require around 800 calories per day.

3) Divide Up Your Calorie Intake Into Macronutrient Breakdowns

Now that we know how many total calories you need to achieve your desired goals, let’s break those down further. First, divide up your total caloric intake between carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Then determine how many grams of carbs, proteins, and fat you should eat at breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc. Remember, these numbers don’t necessarily add up to 100%. That means there might be some wiggle room depending on when you ate them during the day.

4) Adjust As Needed

After following the above steps, you should see significant changes within 2 weeks. Depending on where you start from, you may experience different results. Some people find their bodies adjust quickly, while others take longer. Just keep working hard until you reach your goal.

5) Stay Consistent With Exercise And Nutrition

Another key factor in reaching any health goal is consistency. When you decide to follow a ketogenic diet, exercise regularly, and stick to your nutrition plan, you increase your chances of success dramatically.

6) Enjoy Every Moment Along The Way

While sticking to a strict ketogenic diet isn’t easy, it does become second nature eventually. But remember: no matter how long it takes, enjoy every moment along the way because you never know when life will throw another curveball your way.

7) Have Fun & Keep A Positive Attitude

Stay positive throughout the entire process. Even though this change might be difficult, you’ll soon realize just how good you feel afterward. Plus, who knows? Maybe someday you’ll look back and say “I wish I had done this years ago.”

8) Track Everything On Paper

Keeping a journal is essential when trying to get fit, build muscles, or improve overall health. By writing down your workouts, meals, progress, and anything else that seems relevant, you create a record of exactly what you did and why you did it.

10) Share What Works Best For Others

Finally, share what works best for you with other individuals looking to adopt a ketogenic diet. Sharing knowledge is incredibly powerful and can inspire others to try new ways of living healthier lives.